7 Popular Diet Myths Exposed Everyone wants to lose weight and look slim for summer. If you don’t have weight to lose, no worries! You will still find many savoury tidbits that you can chew on, as a healthy body and healthy weight tend to go hand-in-hand. 1. Skipping meals is a good way to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...It’s easy to get off track, isn’t it… We start off with a great plan and then something comes along to distract or even sabotage us. This is true in all aspects of our life but especially true when it comes to weigh loss. Losing weight can seem an insurmountable task and keeping it off […]
A healthy relationship with food is like a strong relationship with a friend. In a “healthy” friend relationship we can relax, be ourselves and enjoy each other’s company. But we also have clear boundaries, protecting our well-being and knowing when enough is enough. In a similar way, we were meant to enjoy our food and […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Continuing from my previous blog… I think we need a paradigm shift when it comes to diets and weight loss, particularly in how we view food. Too often diets teach us to have a poor attitude towards food – making food either the enemy (something to be avoided as much as possible) or our master […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Our society has 2 extremes. On the one hand, unrealistic attitudes and pictures of what the female body should look like surround us. On the other hand, the reality is that many women struggle to have a healthy weight. I believe the answer lies in first letting go of these unrealistic body images and then, […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...There’s a new way of thinking about diets that’s radically different from the current diet scene and it’s growing in popularity. In a nutshell, it’s about getting healthy first and letting the weight loss follow naturally. What does this mean? First and foremost, it means coming from the perspective of appreciating and loving your body […]
Often diets encourage us to go to the edge – the edge of eating too little and feeling hungry and deprived all the time OR the edge of pushing ourselves in an exercise program that focuses on “no pain/no gain”, leaving us sore, depleted and time crunched. It doesn’t have to be this way. In […]
My next series of blog posts is dedicated to the busy professional woman who has tried so hard to lose weight and even harder to keep it off – without success. You are the woman who works hard all day long and gives so much to your job, your family, your friends… leaving very little […]
A belated happy new year to all my subscribers. I hope that this next year will be the healthiest one for you yet. We all make New Year’s resolutions but far too often, we give up on them before the month is even finished. It might be that we bite off more than we […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...In working with women who want to lose weight, I hear a lot of “negative” talk about their bodies. “I just need to lose this weight, so I can feel good about how I look”, “I wish my body were 30 pounds lighter”, “I’m embarrassed by the extra ‘tire’ I carry around my middle”. All […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...One of my current clients struggles with the “fear” that having lost 20 pounds, she will gain it all back again. Why? Because this has been her pattern in the past. She has been on many diets before, lost weight and then, once the diet is finished, gained it all and even more back. This […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...As you step into your swimsuit this summer and curse your sweet tooth for your tummy bulge, think again! It could be what you’re not eating, that’s the problem. Did you know that Vitamin D is now being strongly linked to having a healthy weight? Here’s some of the more recent research… Obese individuals tend […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...In honor of Mother’s day, I’ve a special guest blogger this week, Daina Rozitis, from Thermography West. Enjoy… Do you ignore the messages your body is sending out about your breasts? Perhaps you have noticed an unusual feeling or a thickening or even a lump in your breast. Is it a cyst, hormonal changes, or […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I grew up with the false belief that my value was linked to my body size. For years I thought myself fat and worried about gaining weight. It took years to realize how hurtful this way of thinking was to me. Making peace with how I looked was an important step in my own journey […]
Several years ago I was worn out and struggling with constant flus and colds. I didn’t use supplements because I’d been taught in medical school that they weren’t necessary. It took a health crisis in my own family for me to finally do my own research. What I learned caused me to completely change my […]
So, what do environmental toxins have to do with weight loss? To understand this, you need to know first, that your fat cells are your key storage facilities when it comes to toxins. Toxins in the fat cells can make it more difficult for your body to burn the fat. Secondly, your liver is the […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...The 7th ingredient to healthy weight loss is hormonal balance. Our hormones play an essential role in controlling all our bodily functions. As such they play a key role in maintaining a healthy weight. Here are a few key points to understand. First of all, your hormones all work together. An imbalance of one can […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I am a big fan of the Mediterranean diet and it plays a major role in my online weight loss program (www.firstgethealthy.com). Not only is this an excellent diet for losing weight, it is one of the best diets for maintaining your health and preventing disease. Two recent published studies highlight this. The first study […]
It happens! We all do it! The Christmas season hits with all the yummy food and festive entertaining. We eat too much, drink too much and sit too much. End result…our clothes feel tight, our weight goes up and our body image goes down. What now… Step 1: Put down any verbal or mental “stick” […]
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