The busyness of the Christmas season may have you choose to get less sleep. Not a good idea! Did you know that when you don’t get a good night’s rest, your appetite hormones get out of balance and this makes you want to eat more. What this means is that when you don’t get enough […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Eating a healthy breakfast is a very important key to maintaining a healthy weight. As I’ve mentioned earlier skipping this meal makes you eat too much later in the day. Unfortunately, the majority of our modern breakfast choices are anything but healthy. Most cereals and breads spike your blood sugar which causes you to produce […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...One thing I often hear from clients is how they will choose to not eat or eat very little throughout the day, when they know they have a big event or special meal happening later on that day. I know this is common over Christmas as people prepare for the big turkey dinner. I refer […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Healthy eating is not just about what you eat; how you eat really matters as well. In our fast paced world it’s so easy to just munch down your food without paying any real attention to what you’re doing. When you do this, you are unlikely to notice how full you are until after you’ve […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...How to eat out and stay healthy? Start by deciding what you really want to eat and not ordering more than need. Eat slowly and savour your food. When full, ask for a “doggie” bag and take the rest home for the next day. Look out for foods and drinks that pretend to be healthy […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...There have been many diet fads through the years including the low fat diet and the low carb/high protein diet. The truth is you need a healthy mix of proteins, carbs AND fats in your diet. The trick is to choose healthier sources of these. Healthy fats include olive oil, nuts, avocados, coconut oil, nut […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...In an earlier post I commented that the #1 rule for a healthy diet is to eat food as close to nature as possible and try to avoid foods that are laden with preservatives. Two other types of ingredients that I recommend my clients try to avoid are chemical sugar substitutes and trans fats. I […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Now it can be next too impossible to eat healthy 100% of the time, especially during the Christmas season. If you set your standards too high, you may just become discouraged and give up. Begin by taking a few small steps towards a healthier diet. Determine what % of your diet is healthy and decide […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Food Rule #2: Avoid or reduce foods that are high glycemic such as rice, potatoes, corn, breads, pastas and cereals. These foods spike your blood sugar which causes you to produce too much insulin which in turn drives your blood sugar down too low and makes you crave those same foods that spiked it in […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Making healthy food choices is not complicated. If you focus on 2 main “rules”, you will have a healthy diet. Rule #1: Eat food that is close to nature as possible. As a general rule, the closer your food is to nature, the healthier it will be. When possible, choose local and organic sources for […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Gaining weight over Christmas is not just about how much you eat and how little you exercise. Yes, those do play a role but there are many other factors to consider. Over the next couple of weeks, I will expand upon simple tips to get more exercise and eat healthier AND I’ll reveal those other […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Party Tip #5: Make healthier food choices. Need to bring a treat to the party? Veggie plates, fruit platters, cheese/hummus and crackers are all healthier choices. Be cautious with the festive drinks. Most Christmas drinks are heavily calorie laden. For a non-alcoholic choice, cranberry juice mixed with club soda can be very refreshing. When making […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Party Tip #4: Don’t skip meals to “save up” for a big event later in the day. While this may seem like a good idea, it will cause you to eat more in the long run. Skipping meals causes your body to produce more cortisol, a hormone that drives up your appetite. When you don’t […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Party Tip #3: Join the “eat-slow” movement. She who eats and drinks the slowest wins! By taking longer to consume your food, you will eat less. First of all, your brain has more time to register that you are full and turn off your hunger hormones. Secondly, when you take time to savour and truly […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Party Tip #2: Don’t go to a Christmas party hungry. It’s best if you can have a healthy snack before you go such as hummus and veggies, a few almonds and an apple or a healthy protein bar. This will stabilize your blood sugar, lower your cravings, and allow you to make healthier choices of […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Over the next 5 days, I’ll be giving you specific tips that you can use when Christmas partying. Tip #1: Don’t go to a party thirsty. First of all, your body will often confuse thirst as hunger and produce hormones to make you want to eat more. Secondly, the choices offered to quench your thirst […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...As I mentioned yesterday, guilt over a moment of overindulgence gets you nowhere. In fact, did you know that the hormones produced in your body when you “feel” guilty make things worse? They do this by making you hungrier and causing your body to store the calories you eat as fat rather than burn them. […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Let’s set one things straight right from the beginning. Guilt is NOT a part of staying healthy throughout the Christmas season. Guilt serves no purpose and only makes you feel terrible. Guilt will not burn away any excess calories you ate. The truth is guilt will make you more inclined to just give up and […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Welcome to 40 Days to a Healthier Happier Christmas! Over the next 40 days I’ll be giving you tips on how to stay healthy through the upcoming party season. Health and happiness go hand in hand. You can enjoy the Christmas feast-athon season, feel great AND not gain those extra 5 to 10 pounds. In […]
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