Party Tip #4: Don’t skip meals to “save up” for a big event later in the day. While this may seem like a good idea, it will cause you to eat more in the long run. Skipping meals causes your body to produce more cortisol, a hormone that drives up your appetite. When you don’t […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Going on a health or weight loss journey can be a lot like owning a computer. Are you wondering what the connection is? Let me ask: How many of you have run into computer glitches that either lost some of your work or changed things in a way you didn’t perceive or want? This is […]
Life often slows down in the summertime. The weather warms up and we find time to relax. It’s easy to get into a snacking mood. Here’s 14 healthy fat-fighting snacks for the next time you have the “munchies” and are looking for a treat: Piece of fruit and ½ cup of cottage cheese Smoked salmon […]
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